Relationship Coach - I equip singles to know their self-worth and break free from societal pressures.
I empower couples conquer their marital challenges; turn squabbles into purpose and bring harmony and love into their relationship.

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Explore your Wow's and Recognise your Woe's.

Watch the video on this page that describeĀ what we doĀ andĀ who we help.

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WARNING: Space is limited and the calendar fills up quickly.


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Exploring habits that can be hurtful to your relationship.

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Amazing Wow's

Revealing the wow's in your spouse that is buried

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Art of communicating with your spouse.

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Mark & Jennifer

We were constantly arguing and already thinking of separating before working with Coach Elizabeth
Now, our union is re-energised and we couldn't be happier and have also set a date to renew our wedding vows to each other.


Before working with Coach Elizabeth, my status was separated and already dating someone else but now I am willing to work on my marriage again and I am able to see light at the end of the tunnel. Working with coach Elizabeth have been enlightening, thought provoking and awesome. She helped me to put habits in place to avoid negative patterns.